BRICS | The Railway Bridge Connecting Russia & China Over the Amur River Is Now Complete (November 16th 2022) | The Bridge Will Transport 21 Tonnes of Cargo Annually
BRICS | Are the BRICS Nations Setting Up the World for a Time When "No Man Might Buy Or Sell, Save He Had the Mark, Or the Mark, or the Name of the Beast, or the Number of His Name?"
BRICS | Russia, China Preparing New Gold-Backed Currency, "Global Central Bank Gold Purchases Leapt to Almost 400 Tons in Quarter 3." - November 1st 2022 (Read Below)
"They are trying to reduce the world's population" REAL TRIAL Coming: Think Nuremberg (Transcript) Atty Reiner Fuellmich on AJ: "These people are really trying to kill us."