BRICS | "It Was Announced 13 New Nations Have Been Accepted As Official Partner States of BRICS." - Petrova CPA (10/25/2024) + "(Losing Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency Status) It's Worse Than Losing Any War." - Trump
Bird Flu | "Bird Flu Is Widening Reach. Maps Show Counties Affected By the Outbreak." - USA Today (7/19/24) | Who Is Investing In mRNA Tech, Transhumanism, A.I. & Great Reset Tech? + BRICS & Shift In Global Order
BRICS | Are the BRICS Nations Planning On Introducing a New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency At the October 22-24 2024 BRICS Summit In Kazan, Russia? Are 81.5% of the Earth's Nations Planning On Joining BRICS?
Julie Green | Who Is Julie Green? What Is God's Vision for Julie Green Ministries? How Does Julie Organize Her Day? Is There Hope for America's Future? + Updates On BRICS, the Border Crisis, Yuval Noah Harari, & the Collapse of the Dollar
HIS GLORY | Dave Scarlett, Bo Polny, Andrew Sorchini & Clay Clark Discuss: The Collapse of the Dollar, Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given & New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency
Mark of the Beast | Doctor Stella Immanuel | Is the Mark of the Beast Here?! 666 Mark of the Beast Technology Being Developed by CERN, the World Economic Forum, BRICS, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab + 60 Biblical Signs of the Times