1. Can't understand Islam 😡

    Can't understand Islam 😡

  2. CP vs Mohammad's Fake Donkey Journey

    CP vs Mohammad's Fake Donkey Journey

  3. Who is Isa? Lineage of Isa!@ Muhammad the Prophet copy paste religion Islam

    Who is Isa? Lineage of Isa!@ Muhammad the Prophet copy paste religion Islam

  4. Angry Muslim man want to follow the wicked Prophet in history

    Angry Muslim man want to follow the wicked Prophet in history

  5. Muhammad was not bad Prophet for marrying 6 years old girl Muslim man calls it's fine , CP debates

    Muhammad was not bad Prophet for marrying 6 years old girl Muslim man calls it's fine , CP debates

  6. Marrying 6 years old Child,Son's wife, prophet Muhammad eyes fell on someone, only for sex is Islam

    Marrying 6 years old Child,Son's wife, prophet Muhammad eyes fell on someone, only for sex is Islam

  7. MUSLIM man got busted by Christian Prince (Prophet Muhammad was wick man)

    MUSLIM man got busted by Christian Prince (Prophet Muhammad was wick man)

  8. What is Logical in Islam that Jesus is born Without Father (fake Ex-Christian) liar!

    What is Logical in Islam that Jesus is born Without Father (fake Ex-Christian) liar!

  9. Muslim Man is Not sure if he's Muslim or not! Hope He will Find the true Lord Jesus Christ

    Muslim Man is Not sure if he's Muslim or not! Hope He will Find the true Lord Jesus Christ

  10. Muhammad Received the Quran from Satan

    Muhammad Received the Quran from Satan

  11. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Was Christ Crucified' Debate with Dr. Floyd E. Clark London, UK

    REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Was Christ Crucified' Debate with Dr. Floyd E. Clark London, UK

  12. JUMP-CUT Ahmed Deedat’s ‘Islam and Other Religions’ Lecture Comparative Religion in a Nutshell

    JUMP-CUT Ahmed Deedat’s ‘Islam and Other Religions’ Lecture Comparative Religion in a Nutshell

  13. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Israel and Arabs - Is it Conflict or Conciliation' Lecture Durban, SA

    REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Israel and Arabs - Is it Conflict or Conciliation' Lecture Durban, SA

  14. 017. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Al-Quran The Miracle of Miracles' Lecture Abu Dhabi, UAE

    017. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Al-Quran The Miracle of Miracles' Lecture Abu Dhabi, UAE

  15. 016. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Is Jesus God' Lecture Cape Town, South Africa

    016. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Is Jesus God' Lecture Cape Town, South Africa

  16. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat’s 'Islam and Christianity' Symposium wt Gary Miller Durban, South Africa

    REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat’s 'Islam and Christianity' Symposium wt Gary Miller Durban, South Africa

  17. 015. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction' Lecture Cape Town, South Africa

    015. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction' Lecture Cape Town, South Africa

  18. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'SABC TV Debate on Christianity and Islam' Johannesburg, South Africa

    REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'SABC TV Debate on Christianity and Islam' Johannesburg, South Africa

  19. 026. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's Christ in Islam Lecture Durban, South Africa

    026. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's Christ in Islam Lecture Durban, South Africa

  20. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'The Quran and the Computer' Lecture l Natal Computer College, Durban, SA

    REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'The Quran and the Computer' Lecture l Natal Computer College, Durban, SA

  21. 022. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'What the Bible Says About Muhammad' Lecture Durban, South Africa

    022. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'What the Bible Says About Muhammad' Lecture Durban, South Africa

  22. REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Muhammad the Natural Successor to Christ' Lecture Durban, South Africa

    REMASTERED Ahmed Deedat's 'Muhammad the Natural Successor to Christ' Lecture Durban, South Africa
