🚨 NEW DISEASE WILL KEEP US IN CONTROL 🚨 [Says Globalists] Planning To Officially Launch Their Next Plandemic In A Desperate Attempt To Bring Back Lockdowns, Forced Injections, And Medical Tyranny To Stop The Surging Of Worldwide Populism/Freedom!
🚨 BREAKING 🚨 Illuminati Plans Q-Narrative REVERSAL, Using The Military and Martial Law on America—Which Q-Tards Ask You to STAY PUT for and Discard Your Physical/Spiritual Sovereignty (a Result of Their Savior-Complex!) | Redacted News
🚨 FALSE FLAG TERROR ALERT 🚨 Illuminati-Controlled FED AGENCIES Falsely Claim Trump Supporters Are Planning Violent Attacks During Disputed Election and Are Preparing to Frame Americans!