1. RUMOR: Are Dr. Spiegel & Amber Heard Dating? Johnny Depp Trial - Day 20 CALL IN!

    RUMOR: Are Dr. Spiegel & Amber Heard Dating? Johnny Depp Trial - Day 20 CALL IN!

  2. DAY 5: Johnny Depp v Amber Heard Defamation Trial, Part One

    DAY 5: Johnny Depp v Amber Heard Defamation Trial, Part One

  3. Amber Heard Has TakenThe Stand in the Johnny Depp Defamation Trial - CALL IN REACTIONS LIVE!

    Amber Heard Has TakenThe Stand in the Johnny Depp Defamation Trial - CALL IN REACTIONS LIVE!

  4. What You Should Learn from Johnny Depp: Or How I Learned to Avoid Psycho Bed Sh!tters and Enjoy Life

    What You Should Learn from Johnny Depp: Or How I Learned to Avoid Psycho Bed Sh!tters and Enjoy Life

  5. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 10 - Video Deposition of Alejandro Romero

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 10 - Video Deposition of Alejandro Romero

  6. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 17 - Amber Heard (redirect)

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 17 - Amber Heard (redirect)

  7. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 18 - Whitney Enriquez

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 18 - Whitney Enriquez

  8. Depp-Trial DOCUMENTARY: AMBER IN DEEP. HighLights, Reactions, Ms. Heard's Poop-gate

    Depp-Trial DOCUMENTARY: AMBER IN DEEP. HighLights, Reactions, Ms. Heard's Poop-gate

  9. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 23 - Dr Richard Gilbert

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 23 - Dr Richard Gilbert

  10. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 19 - Video Deposition of Bruce Witkin

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 19 - Video Deposition of Bruce Witkin

  11. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 18 - Video Deposition of Josh Drew

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 18 - Video Deposition of Josh Drew

  12. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 12 - Douglas Bania

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 12 - Douglas Bania

  13. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 23 - Dr Hughes (rebuttal)

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 23 - Dr Hughes (rebuttal)

  14. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 21 - Douglas Bania (rebuttal - part 2)

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 21 - Douglas Bania (rebuttal - part 2)

  15. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 20 - Testimony of Dr Moore

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 20 - Testimony of Dr Moore

  16. Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 20 - Dr Spiegel (cross)

    Couples react: Depp vs Heard trial, day 20 - Dr Spiegel (cross)

  17. Johnny Depp V. Amber Heard - Revisiting Opening Statements

    Johnny Depp V. Amber Heard - Revisiting Opening Statements

  18. 💥Depp vs Heard: Decoding the Last Deception with Language Analysis

    💥Depp vs Heard: Decoding the Last Deception with Language Analysis
