1. 川普讲话传递重大信息,关乎美国生死存亡(雨林、张洵)


  2. Contemporary #454: Happy Thanksgiving All. News and Calls

    Contemporary #454: Happy Thanksgiving All. News and Calls

  3. Contemporary #455: The Race Wars Are Done, Time for a New Covid Variant

    Contemporary #455: The Race Wars Are Done, Time for a New Covid Variant

  4. RE #67: Quest Fanning Guests; Rittenhouse, Virginia Election, Vaccine Mandate AND MORE

    RE #67: Quest Fanning Guests; Rittenhouse, Virginia Election, Vaccine Mandate AND MORE

  5. Contemporary Special Report: Rittenhouse Testimony Part 2

    Contemporary Special Report: Rittenhouse Testimony Part 2

  6. Contemporary #445: The Defense Rests (Officially, Not Like They Did After Gaige)

    Contemporary #445: The Defense Rests (Officially, Not Like They Did After Gaige)

  7. Contemporary #446: Totally Not Using the Government to go After Political Enemies

    Contemporary #446: Totally Not Using the Government to go After Political Enemies

  8. On The Street. The last Day of Rittenhouse Trial

    On The Street. The last Day of Rittenhouse Trial

  9. RE #68: KT Zed Joins: Rittenhouse, Veritas, The Second Mandate Slapdown AND MORE

    RE #68: KT Zed Joins: Rittenhouse, Veritas, The Second Mandate Slapdown AND MORE

  10. Contemporary #447: Trigger Discipline is Real Discipline

    Contemporary #447: Trigger Discipline is Real Discipline

  11. Contemporary #434: WaPo Going After a 14yo Victim is About As WaPo As You Can Get

    Contemporary #434: WaPo Going After a 14yo Victim is About As WaPo As You Can Get

  12. Contemporary #435: Happy Halloween!! Complete with a Brand New Budget Reconciliation

    Contemporary #435: Happy Halloween!! Complete with a Brand New Budget Reconciliation

  13. Contemporary #438: A Deciding Election Night, and What it Means Going Forward

    Contemporary #438: A Deciding Election Night, and What it Means Going Forward

  14. Contemporary #439: Maybe if we Just go Harder into The Agenda People Rejected...

    Contemporary #439: Maybe if we Just go Harder into The Agenda People Rejected...

  15. Contemporary #440: The Crisis So Great, We Wait 2 Months to Mandate the "Solution"

    Contemporary #440: The Crisis So Great, We Wait 2 Months to Mandate the "Solution"

  16. RE #64: CWal Joins the Porch: Southwest, Loudoun County, The Closer AND MORE

    RE #64: CWal Joins the Porch: Southwest, Loudoun County, The Closer AND MORE
