FOC Show: WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE BANKS?!- Economic Update; Tucker Carlson, Gretchen Whitmer, Colin Kaepernick, and Censoring the Bank Crash - Breanna Morello
MEAT & INFLATION | Food Prices are Crazy High Now... BUT They Will Soon Go A Lot Higher - Jason Nelson; Would you do These Pranks? - Cliff Gephart; Economic Update - FOC Show
CYBERSECURITY | Deceptive by Design: Revealing the Hidden Agenda of Duck Duck Go and Brave. Ohio Sheriff Tells the Truth About Our Security. - Jeff Bermant
FOC Show: THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH: What’s REALLY Going on in Georgia with Trump? - Breanna Morello; Praying for America: Is It an Effective Solution? - Marty Grisham
Why Did Some People Struggle with COVID and Others Didn't? - Dr. Troy Spurrill; We are suing Hillary Clinton. We are not going to back down! - Alina Habba; Election was stolen… but we can fix it! - Christina Bobb | FOC Show