SIGHTINGS: U.S. Government Covers Up Military Encounter with UFO, Russian Fighter Pilot Barely Survives UFO Encounter, UFO Hot Spot on Florida, Big Foot Captured on Film, and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Former FBI Special Agent, Ted Gunderson, Reveals Details of Ritualistic Child Abuse of The Illuminati within Our U.S. Government of Household Names! (Full Workshop)
Why the Rightwing is it’s Own Worst Enemy (Drama, Accusations, Low Creativity/Limited Art, Self-Imposed Depression), Why Liberals Have an Advantage, and the Lack of Understanding Light & Dark. FINALLY—Open Discussions, Solutions, Celebrations!
The Illuminati Demystified | A Presentation by Jay Dyer (Tailored to Normies—Potentially Fuels and Justifies the Ego of a Jesus-Head, But This is Still Fantastic Historically Accurate Information for the Out-Of-Matrix Objective Sovereign Mind).
BEYOND THE RESET — 24 Min 3D Animated Film About the Timeline in Which the Illuminati Win (Partially Already Done in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada) | After the 24 Min Mark the Short Film Repeats with Alex Jones Narrating Live!
The Degenerate Android-Madonna of Today, Tranny/Mass Shootings Rant—Why People Like Me Don’t Care + Moral & Immoral Behavior, The IMPORTANCE of Genuine Sexuality, Copy Vs. Inspired, Bending Time, Other Esoteric and Random Chat, and Some Laughs!
Gregg Braden Revisits a Rare Dolores Cannon Interview on His Own YouTube Channel—Regina Meredith Interviews Dolores (Circa 2007), and Then a Brief Current-Day Chat with her Daughter, Julia Cannon!
Flying Disc Man from Mars (1950 Full 12-Chapter TV Series) [Sci-Fi/Adventure] | SUMMARY: An Eccentric Scientist agrees to help a Martian repair his spacecraft and conquer Earth... in exchange for Atomic Secrets!