1. Artifact of the Hunter! Completing the Lower South Cave! - ARK: Survival Ascended E15

    Artifact of the Hunter! Completing the Lower South Cave! - ARK: Survival Ascended E15

  2. Searching for Queen Bees! - ARK: Survival Ascended LE14 Live Stream

    Searching for Queen Bees! - ARK: Survival Ascended LE14 Live Stream

  3. Cooking Up Special Dishes! - ARK: Survival Ascended E13

    Cooking Up Special Dishes! - ARK: Survival Ascended E13

  4. Looking For the Rock Bearers! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE56

    Looking For the Rock Bearers! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE56

  5. Starting an Underground Garden! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE71

    Starting an Underground Garden! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE71

  6. Construction in ARK Ascended! - ARK: Survival Ascended LE21 Live Stream

    Construction in ARK Ascended! - ARK: Survival Ascended LE21 Live Stream

  7. Raiding All the Rock Drake Nests! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE91

    Raiding All the Rock Drake Nests! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE91

  8. Doedicurus Desire! Time to Get Stoned! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE33

    Doedicurus Desire! Time to Get Stoned! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE33

  9. Industrializing Our Forging Process! - ARK: Survival Ascended E28

    Industrializing Our Forging Process! - ARK: Survival Ascended E28

  10. Gardening on the Terrace! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE34

    Gardening on the Terrace! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE34

  11. Starting Our Relocation! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE38

    Starting Our Relocation! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE38

  12. Diving for Silica Pearls! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE59

    Diving for Silica Pearls! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE59

  13. Unlocking Electricity! We Need Power! - ARK: Survival Ascended - Savoroot LE5

    Unlocking Electricity! We Need Power! - ARK: Survival Ascended - Savoroot LE5

  14. Rolling in the Dung in ARK Ascended! - ARK: Survival Ascended - Savoroot LE4

    Rolling in the Dung in ARK Ascended! - ARK: Survival Ascended - Savoroot LE4

  15. Breaking Wind to Support Our Gas Generator! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE40

    Breaking Wind to Support Our Gas Generator! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE40

  16. Time for Another Kibble Barn! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE62

    Time for Another Kibble Barn! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE62

  17. Featherlight Taming in the Radiation Zone! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE83

    Featherlight Taming in the Radiation Zone! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE83

  18. Summer Bash Building! We Need a New House! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE58

    Summer Bash Building! We Need a New House! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE58

  19. Grinding the Industrial Grinder! - ARK: Survival Ascended E22

    Grinding the Industrial Grinder! - ARK: Survival Ascended E22

  20. Starting ARK Ascended on a Potato PC! - ARK: Survival Ascended - Savoroot LE1

    Starting ARK Ascended on a Potato PC! - ARK: Survival Ascended - Savoroot LE1

  21. Asking Raptor Claus for Presents! Now We Need a Cryofridge! - ARK Survival Ascended LE18 Live Stream

    Asking Raptor Claus for Presents! Now We Need a Cryofridge! - ARK Survival Ascended LE18 Live Stream

  22. We Found This AWESOME MAX LEVEL Tek Stegosaurus! - ARK: Survival Evolved Fjordur - Chronicles E72

    We Found This AWESOME MAX LEVEL Tek Stegosaurus! - ARK: Survival Evolved Fjordur - Chronicles E72

  23. Conquering the Old Tunnels! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE51

    Conquering the Old Tunnels! - ARK: Survival Ascended Scorched Earth LE51

  24. Lost in the Underground World! Can We Get Out?! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE68

    Lost in the Underground World! Can We Get Out?! - ARK: Survival Ascended The Center LE68

  25. Building a Zeppelin! The Only Way to Fly on Aberration! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE73

    Building a Zeppelin! The Only Way to Fly on Aberration! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE73
