4 years agoBruce Maccabee - The Music Master - Sample Music from his CDs with computerized FXThe Out There Channel
3 years agoEmulating Roland MT-32 better then the original Hardware using Windows 10 open source Soft w]PaulThe Out There Channel
9 months agoMusicproduction on Linux: #1 || Setting up EndeavorsOS, BTRFS, Timeshift, Reaper, Plugins, PacmanEirael
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --060- Late Night NZ UFO Chat and Vids analysisThe Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --091- Robert Farmer Guest to talk about his recent UFO workThe Out There Channel
4 years agoSunday with Bruce Maccabee - Gulf Breeze wave + NZ Kaikoura Lights ] - OT Chan Live#347The Out There Channel
4 years agoPaul addresses Lies from GUFON and his Fans about him - cherry picking ] - OT Chan Live#371The Out There Channel
3 years agoA quick catch-up on this Weeks alleged UFOs from Fraud Chans-Lets get some Balance]-OT Chan Live-409The Out There Channel
3 years agoVirtual OLD analogue+MIDI keyboards with all the classic sounds of the 70s-80s on windows 10 w]PaulThe Out There Channel
4 months agoMusicproduction on Linux: #3 || Updates, Multiple Drives in Linux, VSTs, Yabridge(ctl) + ErrorEirael
3 years agoHappy UFO Day! (4th July 2021) - Quick Updates and debunks - Paul Quick NAH haha] - OT Chan Live-424The Out There Channel
2 years agoTest using Android Phone on 5g wifi to film desktop + :Learning to Play AKAI MK Mini Play w/AudacityThe Out There Channel
4 months agoFresh to Linux?, Sick Of Windows?, USE ZORIN_OS, Tools, Stores, Apps, Commands, etcEirael