1. EP | #197 The Signs Of The Times

    EP | #197 The Signs Of The Times

  2. EP | #201 The Controversy Of Mark Driscoll And John Lindell

    EP | #201 The Controversy Of Mark Driscoll And John Lindell

  3. How 1 woman secretly won World War 2 for the Allies | FBI takes credit | WOMENS HISTORY STORIES

    How 1 woman secretly won World War 2 for the Allies | FBI takes credit | WOMENS HISTORY STORIES

  4. CRT, Black Lives Matter, & the Historical Perspective | The Simpleton Podcast

    CRT, Black Lives Matter, & the Historical Perspective | The Simpleton Podcast

  5. The Devil Hates Sex & Policing Issues | The Simpleton Podcast

    The Devil Hates Sex & Policing Issues | The Simpleton Podcast

  6. Republican Candidates Say Trump Policies Make Sense, But He's Not The Guy For President Ep#222

    Republican Candidates Say Trump Policies Make Sense, But He's Not The Guy For President Ep#222

  7. President Biden Doesn’t Put America’s Interests First Ep#228

    President Biden Doesn’t Put America’s Interests First Ep#228
