7 months agoArena and Chill | Grind them units! | No Stress | No Drama | Marvel Contest of ChampionsLord Shaedow Plays
6 months agoBattlegrounds! | Season 20 | Come for the Drama | Stay for the Stress! | Marvel Contest of ChampionsLord Shaedow Plays
6 months agoArena and Chill | Grind them units! | No Stress | No Drama | Marvel Contest of ChampionsLord Shaedow Plays
10 months agoLord Shaedow is playing Albion Online | Let's hit up some Dungeons! | Albion Online | Sandbox Inc.lordshaedow
10 months agoLord Shaedow is playing Albion Online | Let's hit up some Dungeons! | Albion Online | Sandbox Inc.lordshaedow
10 months agoLord Shaedow is playing Albion Online | Let's hit up some Dungeons! | Albion Online | Sandbox Inc.lordshaedow
1 year agoWhen will the hurting stop! | Battlegrounds Bah! | Lots of Stress! | Marvel Contest of Championslordshaedow
1 year agoBirthday Stream 2/2 | Let's Return to Albion! | Albion Online: The Sandbox MMOG | Sandbox Inc.lordshaedow
8 months agoEvent Quest | Stern Minds Prevail | Completion + Exploration | Marvel Contest of ChampionsLord Shaedow Plays
11 months agoAct 8 Completion + Act 8.4.6 100% | Glykhan I come for you! | Marvel Contest of Championslordshaedow
9 months agoLast Minute Incursions Push with Itins! | How far will we get? | Marvel Contest of ChampionsLord Shaedow Plays
1 year agoLord Shaedow Plays | Albion Online: The Medieval Fantasy Sandbox MMORPG | SandBox Interactivelordshaedow
1 year agoLord Shaedow Plays | Albion Online: The Medieval Fantasy Sandbox MMORPG | SandBox Interactivelordshaedow
9 months agoLord Shaedow is playing Albion Online | Dungeons or The Mists! | Albion Online | Sandbox Inc.lordshaedow
2 years agoRandom Drive #4 (Toronto Yonge St. at night: Music, House, Disco, Jazz House, Mellow)Random DriveVerified
2 years agopt3 The Black Album Reaction | Metallica | Through the Never, Nothing Else Matters, Wolf, God FailedProg Dog