Kamala Harris & Christopher Wray Use School Shooting for 'Photo Op' - Ryan Petty & Andrew Pollack; Feds are Coming for Our Guns - Kyle Seraphin; NYC Squatters Arrested | The Breanna Morello Show
The Truckers Reportedly Protesting NYC Deliveries - Monica Crowley; Beef SHORTAGES Loom - Jason Nelson; Chinese "Immigrant" Elected to Create Policy for San Francisco Department of Elections | The Breanna Morello Show
FBI Caught Lying - Steve Friend; REPORT: Congressman Dan Goldman - John Zadrozny; Biometrics Facial Recognition Program; Harry Dunn Loses Congressional Primary! - Steve Baker | The Breanna Morello Show
EXCLUSIVE: SCOTUS Slaps Down Trump Pulled from the Ballot - Mike Davis; Enrique Tarrio Speaks out on the Media Hypocrisy Regarding Political Prisoners; KY Dem Advocates for Child-Like Sex Dolls | The Breanna Morello Show
Inside Hunter Biden's Courtroom - Mia Cathell; AG Merrick Garland Gets Destroyed by Congressman Matt Gaetz; Man Behind Viral Facial Expressions Behind Fauci Speaks Out - Brandon Fellows | The Breanna Morello Show
Liberal NYC Prosecutor Targets 2A Rights by Putting BK Man on Trial - Dexter Taylor; WHY are NY Women Getting Punched?; Beef Prices Rise as Cattle Farmers Struggle to Keep Up - JD Rucker; WHAT TO DO When The FBI Knocks on Your Door | The Breanna Morello S
VP and Presidential Debate Predictions - Alex Stein; Did SCOTUS Green Light Americans to be Censored? - Eric Sell; Joe Biden Released Over 50 ISIS-linked Aliens - Victor Avila | The Breanna Morello Show
Army and National Guard Allegedly Abandoned Vaccine Injured Soldier - Dr. Peter McCullough; John Brennan and James Clapper - Dan Epstein; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott; The White House Just Got Gayer | The Breanna Morello Show
Biden's DOJ Says Andrew Cuomo Sexually Harassed 13 Women - Liz Joy; Collapse of the Legacy Media - Kane; Warmongers Push for World War III; Regime has its Hands ALL OVER Trump Lawsuits and Criminal Charges | The Breanna Morello Show
EXCLUSIVE: Investigation into Andrew Cuomo's Nursing Home Deaths - Jeff Clark; Another January 6 Defendant Takes Their Own Life - Geri Perna; Steve Bannon Loses His Appeal | The Breanna Morello Show