1. Daily Chess play - 1338 - Couldn't figure out Checkmate in Game 2

    Daily Chess play - 1338 - Couldn't figure out Checkmate in Game 2

  2. Daily Chess play - 1280 - Having Knight problems

    Daily Chess play - 1280 - Having Knight problems

  3. Daily Chess play - 1376 - Blundered Games 2 and 3

    Daily Chess play - 1376 - Blundered Games 2 and 3

  4. Daily Chess play - 1322 - Blundered Rook endgame in Game 3

    Daily Chess play - 1322 - Blundered Rook endgame in Game 3

  5. Daily Chess play - 1318- Self-mated myself in Game 3.

    Daily Chess play - 1318- Self-mated myself in Game 3.

  6. Daily Chess play - 1359 - Was draw the right move in Game 1?

    Daily Chess play - 1359 - Was draw the right move in Game 1?

  7. Daily Chess play - 1333 - In a hurry to lose XD

    Daily Chess play - 1333 - In a hurry to lose XD

  8. Daily Chess play - 1360 - Drew Game 3 in error

    Daily Chess play - 1360 - Drew Game 3 in error

  9. Daily Chess play - 1313 - Opponents blundering their Queens

    Daily Chess play - 1313 - Opponents blundering their Queens

  10. Daily Chess play - 1330 - Opponent had 3 Queens in Game 3

    Daily Chess play - 1330 - Opponent had 3 Queens in Game 3

  11. Daily Chess play - 1315 - Race against time - Need to learn how to pre-move

    Daily Chess play - 1315 - Race against time - Need to learn how to pre-move

  12. Daily Chess play - 1337 - Time Management issues showing its ugly face again

    Daily Chess play - 1337 - Time Management issues showing its ugly face again

  13. Daily Chess play - 1439 - Any other way out of Move 31 in Game 3?

    Daily Chess play - 1439 - Any other way out of Move 31 in Game 3?

  14. Daily Chess play - 1407 - Making a lot of mistakes

    Daily Chess play - 1407 - Making a lot of mistakes

  15. Daily Chess play - 1385 - Didn't guard my pass pawn

    Daily Chess play - 1385 - Didn't guard my pass pawn

  16. Islamic/Jewish socialism... it's chess not checkers

    Islamic/Jewish socialism... it's chess not checkers

  17. Patriot Underground Episode 378 (12.1.24 @ 8PM EST)

    Patriot Underground Episode 378 (12.1.24 @ 8PM EST)
