General Flynn | What Should Action Steps Should Kash Patel & Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Do to Drain "The Swamp?" + What Can President Trump Do to Revitalize the Military? Why Did Gold $2,900 Per Ounce?
EP33: THE GREAT REPLACEMENT: Loomer Announces New Documentary Exposing Illegal Alien Invasion of America + Special Counsel Robert Hur Confronted by Loomer Unleashed, TAKING LIVE CALLS
Eric Trump & Robert Kiyosaki | Trump & Kiyosaki Discuss Why NOW Is Your Time to Make American Business Great Again! + Join Trump & Kiyosaki At Clay Clark’s March 6-7 Business Growth Workshop
Robert Kiyosaki & Eric Trump | Clay Clark's EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Robert Kiyosaki & Eric Trump + Is This Your Year to Grow a Successful Business? + Join Kiyosaki & Eric Trump At Clay Clark's March 6-7 Business Workshop!
( -0859 ) Todays' Democrats Are Only Capable of Acting Like Robots - Invasion of the USAID Snatchers (We're the Robbed, Not the Sponsor - U.S. Agency for International Development of What? Trafficking? )