General Flynn | Dollar Collapse? Trump’s Gag Order, Universal Basic Income & Hamas Referenced In the Bible? Yuval Noah Harari Pushing New World Order? Ezekiel 38: 1-6 (GOG = Prince, Ruler or The Head & Magog = Modern Russian) + Eric Trump
Creature from Jekyll Island | Creature from Jekyll Island Author G. Edward Griffin Shares the TRUTH About The Great Reset, Central Bank Digital Currencies & the Collapse of the Dollar
BRICS | Why Did Egypt & Nigeria Ditch the U.S. Dollar? "What Is a Robot? A Robot Could Be a Biological Robot. To Create a Sub-Category of Human Being."+ "The System Is Broken And Eventually It Is Going to Collapse." - Edward G. Gri
The Great Reset | What's Wrong w/ That?! Special Gameshow Edition Featuring the Exposure of: The Great Reset Agenda, Klaus Schwab, CBDCs, Yuval Noah Harari, the Collapse of the Dollar, The End of Human History, the A.I. Agenda, & Marina Abramovic
Banks | Is Your Money Safe In the Banks? “Banks Too Big to Fail Are Being Backstopped by Govt While Rest of the Banks Will Be Bailed In.” - Schectman + Why Did Biden’s Chief Economic Advisor Bernstein Advocate for “Dethrone King Dollar?"
The Great Reset | Are 40 + Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now? BRICS, Central Bank Digital Currencies & The Intentional Collapse of the U.S. Dollar Explained
Dollar Collapse | Is the Full-Scale Collapse of the Dollar Around the Corner? + "World’s Central Banks Buy $24,000,000,000 in Gold in Three Months, Setting New Record: Report" - World Gold Council (May 10th 2024)