5D "Awakening": It Happened, it's OVER, 5D Vs. 3D isn't an Option When You Already Chose (Didn't Know You Did?) Next, Everyone Goes to Where They're Supposed to—and Have Been for Some Time! | Ralph Smart and Danica Patrick
How NOT to Approach Getting a Tarot Reading; and How You Often Create an AWFUL Reality for Yourself! | Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (1959–1964 TV Series) | Summary: Newlyweds Don and Pat Carter enter a diner where they have their fortunes told to them.
BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE: Former Capitol Police Officer Who Arrested Owen Shroyer Repents, and Goes on InfoWars to Blow the Lid Off "January 6th" and Corruption in D.C.!
The Method of Making This Your Last Time on Earth — Isabella Greene CHALLENGES Conventional New Age Ideas Here on Next Level Soul Podcast | WE in 5D: And I Completely Agree w/ Her; IF the Soul is Able to Get Passed ITS OWN Dogma, Never Mind Religion.
°F 9/11 (2004 Full Documentary) | If JFK Democrats are Now Trump Supporters and Bush Republicans are Harris Supporters Where do You Think a 2024 Democrat Win Would Lead Us?.. 🧨💥🪖🤯🔫 💣
General Flynn: "Every Empire Comes to an End and YOU Are The Generals Now—Rise to the Challenge, America!" | Michael Flynn Gives America an Intel Briefing in This Special Transmission with Alex Jones (9/29/24)
🚨 IT HAPPENED 🚨 RFJ Jr. Intends to Hand Over Blue States to President Trump by Remaining on the Ballot ONLY in Blue States! (FULL SPEECH) | RFK Jr.: "I've Made the Decision to Suspend My Campaign and Endorse President Trump".
EXCLUSIVE: Victims of Hurricane Helene Call in to Confirm The Federal Government is Purposely Blocking Rescuers and Stealing Aid in an Attempt to Keep Deep Red Areas From Voting!
OCTOBER SURPRISE?! Election INTERFERENCE as Ballot Drop Boxes Are SET ON FIRE in Swing States. + The Importance of Being Able to Laugh at Ourselves (AND EVEN EACH OTHER!!) | Russell Brand