ARIZONA HERO LIZ HARRIS: Wrongfully Expelled From The House Of Representatives On 4/12/23 - The Day The LegislaTURDS STOLE Your Voices, Freedoms & VOTE! The State Is DEAD So Let's Take It Back!
THIS is How Humanity Defeats The Illuminati: 11 GOP States Sue BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard For Purposely Sabotaging The Energy Supply! | WE in 5D: ALEX JONES COULDN'T HAVE EXECUTED THIS SPEECH BETTER.
Roundtable with Gene Decode and Kerry Cassidy, Hosted by Patriot Underground. — A Break From the Gaslighting “Plan” and an Update on the ET Agenda at This Time in Ukraine and Other Nations/Continents + a Good Dose of History! (12/12/22)
Tucker Carlson: "I'm Happy to Say Most Democrats are Bad, BUT I Wouldn't be Sincere if I Say Most Republicans are Good!" | Glenn Greenwald Interviews Tucker on Global Populism, the Censorship-Industrial Regime, Israel, and Ukraine.
Bo Polny | Are the Kings of the Earth About to Weep and Wail?!! + Dr. Rashid Buttar & Karen Kingston On China & Russia Using Yuan & Ruble for Trade, Biden Pushes Annual COVID-19 Shots & Gates Finances Quantum-Dot Tattoo Technology to Hold