BEYOND THE RESET — 24 Min 3D Animated Film About the Timeline in Which the Illuminati Win (Partially Already Done in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada) | After the 24 Min Mark the Short Film Repeats with Alex Jones Narrating Live!
Indie R's Speakeasy Podcast: Episode 3 | Creating Your Reality Even in These Tough Times, Trump Fan Vs. Trump Supporter (Requires Context), Trump Stuck Between Two Versions of Technocracy, Sexuality, Shadow & Hypocrisy, CIVIL WAR(?), and More!
Week in Review (12/30/23): Shocking Developments in The Middle East—Extraterrestrial Agreements and The Jerusalem Mothership, and More! | Michael Salla, "Exopolitcs Today".
STAY SINGLE UNTIL..... and Do I Need to Have a Partner to be Awake or Reach Enlightenment? + Polyamory/Open Relationships EXPLAINED! | Aaron Abke on Jessica Smith's Game of Love Podcast | WE in 5D: BEST CONVO on Romantic Love Relationships!
SIGHTINGS: The Search for Debris of a Crashed UFO, Tesla's Death Ray, The Man Who Brought Us the Alien Autopsy Film, Can Dreams Reveal the Future?.. and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL SERIES: “Scream” by Michael and Janet Jackson (a Revolutionary Video Directed by Mark Romanek) + Madonna and Janet Jackson’s Tribute to Michael at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time is Being Exposed! When You Feel You've EXHAUSTED All the Things You Believe in [Probably Because You Realize/Accept it's Let You Down] Return to This Video! | Jean Nolan (Inspired)
ASCENSION | Your BEST Understanding of The Matrix—and it’s Relation to the Balancing of Your Masculine/Feminine Energy, and Unhealthy Patterns Caused by the Lack of Balance!
The Degenerate Android-Madonna of Today, Tranny/Mass Shootings Rant—Why People Like Me Don’t Care + Moral & Immoral Behavior, The IMPORTANCE of Genuine Sexuality, Copy Vs. Inspired, Bending Time, Other Esoteric and Random Chat, and Some Laughs!
Indie R (Pre-Podcast) — A Chat at a Diner During Lunch Functioning as a Semi-Test for the Upcoming Indie R Podcast, of Which I Will be the Very First Guest! The Official Podcast Will be in Video Form with Faces Shown.
Gregg Braden Revisits a Rare Dolores Cannon Interview on His Own YouTube Channel—Regina Meredith Interviews Dolores (Circa 2007), and Then a Brief Current-Day Chat with her Daughter, Julia Cannon!