4 years agoI have a 30 Day Challenge For all of You and Me Nomad Outdoor Adventure & Travel ShowNomad Outdoor Adventures
4 years agoDriving through Winnipeg and looking at Christmas lights Nomad Outdoor Adventure & Travel ShowNomad Outdoor Adventures
2 years agoDarius Miles Murdered Janae Harris Because She Refused To Talk To Him? #DariusMiles #JanaeHarrisCERTIFIED TRUTHTV MVP
4 years agoI am inviting you to come on my Show Nomad Outdoor Adventure & Travel ShowNomad Outdoor Adventures
3 years agoCamping trip didn’t go as Planned Nomad Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show Vlog1954Nomad Outdoor Adventures
4 years agoExtreme Cold Valentines Weekend Nomad Outdoor Adventure & Travel ShowNomad Outdoor Adventures