LA FAMIGLIA ROTHSCHILD e il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE DOCUMENTARIO DEL 2021 sono pressoché satanisti e praticano la magia nera e sacrifici umani. Il loro Dio è Satana e attraverso pratiche e riti occulti manipolano e influenzano le masse.
Mike in the Night E580, We Told you so Era!, Taiwan receives first shipment of HIMARS rocket system, why the UK will soon be full of political prisoners, Next weeks news Today! , Call ins , Headlines
April 8th 2024 | "Only a Catastrophe Can Open the Path to a Real System of Global Governance." - Yuval Noah Harari + 52 Facts About Solar Eclipse, NASA "Serpent Deity" Launch, CERN Restarts, Billions of Cicidas? Israel Red Heifers?
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Black Swan Event | A DEEP DIVE Into the Solar Eclipse, CERN, WEF, Dollar Collapse, Moscow Attack, the Drying of the Euphrates, Nimrod, Gilgamesh & Yuval Noah Harari
Dr. Stella Immanuel | CBDCs | Are the Revelation Chapter 6 Seals Being Opened? Why Do Google, CERN and the World Economic Forum Have a 666 Themed Logo? (See Documentation In Description)