9 months ago508- John Haller - This is Exactly How the Globalists Aim to get us All into a World Government!A Minute To Midnite
2 years ago403- Leo Hohmann - Globalists have entered Kill Phase of the Great ResetA Minute To Midnite
1 year ago460- Global Control Grid Now Being Implemented. Warning! Once in it, there's no way out!A Minute To Midnite
1 year ago452- Vital Information to Understand the Goals of the Tyrannical Globalists - Alex NewmanA Minute To Midnite
1 year ago463- Dangerous Authoritarian Control Through Digital ID, CBDCs and Persecution of DissentersA Minute To Midnite
1 year ago468- John Haller - Maui Destruction. One of Biggest Globalist Crime Scenes in History?A Minute To Midnite
1 year ago485- Tom Hughes - Unpacking the Lies and Deceptions of the Globalist Takeover!A Minute To Midnite
1 year ago479- Leo Hohmann - Depopulation, Democide, and the War for Global Control!A Minute To Midnite
2 years ago433- John Haller - Global Elite are Hell-bent on Changing Your Behaviour to Conform!A Minute To Midnite
2 years ago429- Leo Hohmann - Track and Control grid being erected right under our noses!A Minute To Midnite
2 years ago423- Stan Deyo - Famine, unsafe water, seismic and sun activity. End Time signs?A Minute To Midnite
2 years ago422- Leo Hohmann - Globalists Making Final Push for Depopulated One-World OrderA Minute To Midnite
10 months ago506- Brandon Holthaus - Protests and Lawlessness (Terrorism?) funded by Globalist Elites!A Minute To Midnite
6 months agoTom Hughes The Globalists are Shutting Down Free Speech and Arresting Free Thinkers Now!Rolling With You
3 years agoFreedom Convoy & Protest in NZ - The True Picture is not what the mainstream media tells you!A Minute To Midnite
1 year ago42123 Big One-CA! Hurricane! Carrington! States Secede! Jade Helm Goes Live! US News-Billie E10BBeene
2 years ago437- Leo Hohmann - Globalist Predators are Ensuring you are dependent on them for SurvivalA Minute To Midnite