Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval Noah Harari Introduces His New Religion “Data-Ism” While Just “11% of Americans Read the Bible Daily” - Christianity Today (4/22/2022) | Why Only Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
Miami, FL ReAwaken Tour Updates!!! (May 12-13) Where to Park? + FREE Pastors for Trump Event Being Held Thursday May 11th At 7 PM Central for All Attendees (Not Just Pastors) Featuring: Stone, Flynn, etc. 4 Tickets Remain Text 918-851-0102 to Request TIX
CAUGHT: DOJ Knowing Put Witnesses on the Stand to Lie During the J6 Oath Keepers Trial - Steve Baker; Mob of Black Teens Fatally Attack White Teen - Lt. Randy Sutton (Ret); We Just Caught the Feds Putting Innocent Americans on Watchlist &