UFO's During the Apollo 1-11 Mission Kept Secret (2023 Documentary) | #DontGetYourKnickersInaTwist it's #IlluminatiBroadcasting #ForResearchPurposes and #JustForFun
[MUST SEE] Trump: The Art Of The Insult (Full Documentary) | WE in 5D: IT'S NOT ULTIMATELY ABOUT THE INSULT FOR US. We Probably Won't See This LEVEL of Unfiltered Truth-Telling and Political Incorrectness Anymore... So.. Enjoy This Documentary!
UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape (1997) + 2017 Update with the Documentary's Creator, Robert Kiviat, Going to the Roswell of Puerto Rico to Investigate USO's [Unidentified Submerged(Water) Objects].