The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators - T H E . J O H N S H O P K I N S . C E N T E R . FOR . H E A L T H . S E C U R I T Y
Dr. Judy Mikovitz - Moleqcular biologist and medical researcher The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.
Child Birth Miscarriages Way Up Since Covid19 "Vaccine" Release - Multiple Medical Professionals Whistleblowers Putting Their Careers On The Line For Your Safety!
Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to discuss silicone and other transhumanism synbio materials found in the COVID shots and human bodies during surgery, discussing how this relates to brain hacking, behaviour and body control of humans.
This is the best 50 minutes investment you could make, I wager you’ll agree, if you choose to watch it! It describes the formation, evolution and individuals involved in all the scams which have wound up with us on the brink of a technocratic nightmare.