Doctor Peter Breggin | Dr. Breggin Asks, "Why Is Doctor Robert Malone a Partner In NIH Activ?" What Is NIH Activ (ACCELERATING COVID-19 THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS AND VACCINES)?
Stony Brook Univ: Several One-on-Ones of Students Ready To Get Born Again, I Pray for Them, (Crowd Begins At 1hr13min mark) Later Draw a Large, Calm Crowd, Rebuke a MAGA Trump Student and He Humbles Himself, Preaching On What It Means To Totally Surrender
Cleveland State: Spirit of Confusion on Professing Christian, 1 Sinner Grabs My Banner, Ferocious Wind Snaps My Banner Frame, I Rebuke the Wind in Jesus' Name and It Dies Down, Perverts, Hypocrites Gather To Blaspheme Yah, Wild Day!
Shabbat Bible Study: The Many Prophetic Layers Of The 7 Churches (Ekklesia) of Revelation 2 & 3, Purified Bride, Humbling, Tribulation -- A Hike In the West Virginia Woods -- And At Very End of Video A Special Bonus On Majestic Overlook
Cleveland State: Rebuking Jehovah's Witnesses For Their Hellish Religion, Contending w/ an Arrogant Muslim & His Girlfriend, I Sing Out Songs, Preach Jesus, Crowd Descends Into Blasphemy, "Christians" Love Their Sin, I Wipe The Dust Off
Eastern Kentucky Univ: 2 Lesbians & Bisexual Come Under Serious Conviction from the Holy Spirit, One Sophomore Student Declares He Desires To Start Preaching The Gospel In The Open Air On Campus and I Pray for Him -- HUGE VICTORY!!!
Q Stating They Are Saving Israel For Last Fits Into Biblical Prophecy of Beast vs Whore, The Utter Insanity of Anon Posts Involving Trump Assassination Attempt, Iran Gives Hezbollah EMP Weapons, Kamala Supposedly Beating Trump In Polls, Resources For You
Sabbath Bible Study: Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of The Covenant, 7 Year Tribulation, 7th Trumpet Rapture, 144,000 & The Two Witnesses, Donald Trump, Promise of Philadelphia
Northern Kentucky University: A Lively Large Crowd As I Contend With a Witch, Some Atheists, A Few Hypocrites, Some Muslims, But Also Some Very Good Questions, Passed Out Lots Of Tracts, Police Kept Things Orderly, A Great Day Of Preaching Jesus!
Day 6 Sukkot: Glimpses of Joy and Sunrises, Amish 4 Horses, Landis Family Farm: A Revelation of The Philadelphian Church Age, Interior of Daniel Theater, Walk-Thru Of Clock Museum, Reflections on the Trump Snare, Time Is Running Out, Judgment Is Coming
Satan's 5 I Wills Isaiah 14 & Trump's 5 I Wills, Obama Delaying Harris Endorsement Explained In I Pet Goat 2, Rabbi Schneerson Said Netanyahu Will Hand Scepter To Messiah-Ben-David, The Many False Prophecies of Kim Clement
West Virginia Univ: Thousands of Students 1st Day of Classes, Female Agnostics Have Great Questions, As I Read Isaiah 53 to Jewish Table w/ Jews a Black Student Cusses Me Out -- Helps Draw Crowd, Lesbians Mock, Sincere Christians Encourage Me, Lively Day!
Penn State: 2 hour 30 second mark Bro Jeff and Professor Jon Aid Me In Drawing A Crowd of 40 Students, Hypocrite Defends His Sin Which Causes Crowd to Grow, Anointing Pours Out from Bro Jeff and Professor Jon, I Reprove Jews Over Their Talmud Toward End
Spectacular Large & Calm Crowd, Atheist Asks Excellent Questions, Retired Judge and Current Female Professor Gets In My Face, I Rebuke Professor And She Scurries Away, Mini Prophecy Preach On Trump Being The Son of Perdition, Attentive Students!
Eastern Kentucky University: One of THE BEST DAYS I've Ever Had On Campus, Very Civil Crowd, Great Questions, Most Hecklers Very Respectful, Handed Out Lots of Gospel Tracts, One Jezebel At The End Needed A Firm Rebuke But Other Than That Great Day!
Univ of Maryland: Major Spiritual Breakthrough, Contend w/ Two Different Christians Who Excuse Sin & It Helps Me Draw A Crowd of About 22-25 Students, Then Orthodox Jew Asks About Ezekiel Temple, I Preach On How Jesus Is In All 7 Lev 23 Feast Days!
University of Maryland: Wicked Reprobates Arrogantly Try To Make Me Move, Humble Police Officer Gives Me A Great New Place To Preach, Draw A Small Crowd, Rebuking an Arrogant Atheist & Arrogant Roman Catholic, Preaching Jesus!
Univ of Michigan: Police Force Me To Lay Down My Pole, I Preach TO Thousands of Students, Warning Them About The Coming Nuclear Attack by Russia & China, Preaching the Gospel of Jesus, But Like Zombies Glued To Their Cell Phones, They Walk On By
University of Cincinnati: Warning Students of Antichrist Donald Trump & Approaching 7 Year Tribulation, Handed Huge Stack of Gospel Tracts To Employee of University, Most Students Apathetic Zombies, Preaching Jesus Christ & His Blood