1 year ago"Memory Lane, Robot Conception, and Friday Extras" ft. Vinny Brusco & Matt 5/5/23Quite FranklyVerified
9 months agoFederal Income Tax Scam, It's not what you think w/ Freedom Law School, Peymon MottahedehSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoCIA Cabal Controls the Narrative via Hollywood & the MSM - Hollywood Insider Scotty SaksSarah WestallVerified
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1 year agoOver a Billion Views in the East, the West in the Dark w/ Dr. David MartinSarah WestallVerified
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10 months agoEconomic Armageddon, Forced CBDC, BRICS, and more w/ Andy SchectmanSarah WestallVerified
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10 months ago5th Generation Warfare & Mind Control Being Used Against You w/ Hope & TivonSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoCycles of Humanity - End of the Kali Yuga: Making Sense of our Time w/ Ian FergusonSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoHollywood & Government: Corruption & Conspiracies w/ Hollywood Insider Thomas AlthouseSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoSeeing Entities & Energies Outside our Vision Spectrum, Frequency Manipulation & moreSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoBillionaire Secret Agent: Navy SEAL Trained, Rescuing Children from Pedophile Rings: Paul HutchinsonSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoAttacks Imminent - 80K U.S. Enemies Ready in Sleeper Cells w/ JJ CarrellSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoSecretary Becerra: “Vaccines are Killing People of Color... at Twice the Rate of Whites” - Ron OwensSarah WestallVerified
11 months agoNew Analysis: Michelle Obama, Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Plus who is Sharry Edwards?Sarah WestallVerified
11 months agoNew Paradigms, Time Travel, Building of the Pyramids, Accelerated Aging & more w/ Richard LighthouseSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoARE WE DUPES? 100% Federal Income Tax is Stolen from the People w/ former IRS Agent Dr. JacksonSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoReverse Engineering Alien Technology, NASA/JPL Origins, Project Blue Beam w/ Phil CatalinoSarah WestallVerified