8 months ago[Celebrating 750+ followers w/ give-a-ways] RDO - Race Bonuses Month, Week 3 : Saturday and Lethal Company w/ friendsYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
1 year agoGTAO - Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid Week: Friday plus Official Rockstar GTAO NewswireYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
1 year agoGTAO - Albany Cavalcade XL Week: Tuesday/Trumpday w/ Roi Ratt and background music by SophmorejohnYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
6 months agoOfficial Rockstar RDO Newswire, then RDO - Bounty Hunter Bonuses Month, Week 1: Tuesday w/ RoiRattYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
8 months agoOfficial Rockstar RDO Newswire, then some RDO - The Naturalist Bonuses Month, Week 1: WednesdayYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
6 months agoOfficial Rockstar GTAO Newswire, then GTAO - Biker Bonuses Week: Thursday w/ MotorCityChiefYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
8 months agoRockstar DLC Update, then some GTAO - The Data Leaks Week: WednesdayYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming