1. Modern Alchemy, Tungsten to Gold, MOX Fusion Reactors,Types of Radiation, Protection, C60 Ken Swartz

    Modern Alchemy, Tungsten to Gold, MOX Fusion Reactors,Types of Radiation, Protection, C60 Ken Swartz

  2. They Shot Across the Bow, Guidestones, Released Tech, Moxie Fusion, C60, Scientist, Ken Swartz

    They Shot Across the Bow, Guidestones, Released Tech, Moxie Fusion, C60, Scientist, Ken Swartz

  3. Life on Enceladus, Scientists Discovers Methane in Atmosphere of Saturns Water World, Ken Swartz

    Life on Enceladus, Scientists Discovers Methane in Atmosphere of Saturns Water World, Ken Swartz

  4. Ancient Scriptures Verify Blueprints of High Technology, Space Travel, DNA Editing, Ken Goudsward

    Ancient Scriptures Verify Blueprints of High Technology, Space Travel, DNA Editing, Ken Goudsward

  5. Keith Raniere's Attorney Shows FBI Tampered with Evidence to Convict in NXIVM Cult Trial | Ken Paxton Impeachment Attempt Shows Feds and Politicians Have Declared War on Citizens | More Election Fraud Coming in 2024 | Joseph Tully, Sarah McAbee

    Keith Raniere's Attorney Shows FBI Tampered with Evidence to Convict in NXIVM Cult Trial | Ken Paxton Impeachment Attempt Shows Feds and Politicians Have Declared War on Citizens | More Election Fraud Coming in 2024 | Joseph Tully, Sarah McAbee

  6. PARDON ME? DarkDox Digest 012325

    PARDON ME? DarkDox Digest 012325

  7. Here's Planet 9 Spotted by Astronomer Using IRAD, Infrared Satellite Data, Ken Swartz

    Here's Planet 9 Spotted by Astronomer Using IRAD, Infrared Satellite Data, Ken Swartz

  8. Carbon Nano-tubes Found in All People Tested, Possibly All Biological Life, Listen to This, Latest

    Carbon Nano-tubes Found in All People Tested, Possibly All Biological Life, Listen to This, Latest

  9. “De cijfers zullen mensen gaan wakker schudden” zegt Belgische Professor Dr. Lieven Annemans…

    “De cijfers zullen mensen gaan wakker schudden” zegt Belgische Professor Dr. Lieven Annemans…

  10. Planetary Scientist, Space is Like an Ocean with Huge Creatures Spanning Miles Across, Disclosure

    Planetary Scientist, Space is Like an Ocean with Huge Creatures Spanning Miles Across, Disclosure

  11. New Mexican Governor's gan ban ruled unconstitutional-SheinSez 292

    New Mexican Governor's gan ban ruled unconstitutional-SheinSez 292

  12. Parking On Pavements Is Causing An Obstruction......Ken!

    Parking On Pavements Is Causing An Obstruction......Ken!

  13. In The Chair With ... Shackle | Cupchairs.com - Interview

    In The Chair With ... Shackle | Cupchairs.com - Interview

  14. VN: Trump vs DeSantis, Ghislaine Retrial, Pelosi Stock Ban, IRS Biometrics, MSM Spins Biden 1.21

    VN: Trump vs DeSantis, Ghislaine Retrial, Pelosi Stock Ban, IRS Biometrics, MSM Spins Biden 1.21
