Dr. Fauci | Who Is the REAL Anthony Fauci? | How PCR / Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests Were Used to Inflate the Number of COVID-19 Cases and to Push the Use of Toxic AZT Drug to Treat Aids Patients
U.S. patents show CDC ownership of Coronavirus. Both China and the U.S. involved in the creation of Wuhan SARS-CoV-2. Gates and CCP controlled WHO appoints criminal Tedros. CDC, FDA, CIA, NIH, Gates, Fauci, Baric, Rockefeller are all involved!
CDC | Is the New CDC Director Going to Be Worse Than Rochelle Walensky? Is the New CDC Director Mandy Cohen Connected to Obama? Meet the New Pro-Masking-Doctors-for-Obama-Starting-COVID-Vaccine-Pushing-Fauci-Praising-CDC-Director