2 years agoWARNINGS! This is how WAR propaganda works | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
4 months agoSomething Is Very Wrong, Greed & Oceans Of Easy Money Are Ruling The Market! Gregory MannarinoAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
2 years agoThe deep-state CABAL calls for TOTAL war with Putin, and he's ready | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoHang on, now you have to pledge allegiance to the climate change gods to get a job? | Redacted NewsRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoHang on, now you have pledge allegiance to the climate change gods to get a job? | Redacted NewsRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoOh SH*T, She is busted lying about Ukraine, not good | Redacted w Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoBREAKING! Elon releases BOMBSHELL Twitter Files 8 with PENTAGON PsyOps | Redacted w Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoHang On, Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci just did WHAT? | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoEVERYTHING changes in less than 24 hours and Putin gets ready| Redacted w Natali and Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoIt's all starting to COLLAPSE, and they know it | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoTERRORISTS attempt ANOTHER pipeline attack in Turkey, Putin responds | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoFormer U.S. Marine EXPOSES the lies his government told him | Redacted Conversation with Lucas GageRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoKlaus Schwab announces NEW plan to rule the world | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoWhy is NO ONE stopping this? NATO readies MASSIVE attack, Putin sounds alarm | RedactedRedacted NewsVerified
7 months agoThe Deposition of Matthew Pitcher: Exposing The Conspiracy To Frame Franklin Tyrone Tucker!!!!!JusticeIsAProcess
4 months agoCoincidence!? SEC Rolling Back Regulations FOR BANKS & CRYPTO UNDER TRUMP! Gregory MannarinoAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
2 years agoHang On, Your TAX dollars are paying for this? | Redacted with Natali and Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified