Paul Graham | (Part 2) The Wisdom of Paul Graham, the Entrepreneur & Investor Behind One of the First Online Shopping Carts, ViaWeb (Yahoo! Store). Paul Is the Investor Behind Dropbox, AirBNB, Reddit, and Y-Combinator.
Entrepreneur | Learn How Clay Clark Helped Long-Time Business Coaching Client & the Founder of Tim Whaley to Systemize, Organize & Double the Size of His Business
Entrepreneur Podcast | Success Habits | The Proven Plan to Achieve Success With Your Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, Friendship & Fun + Celebrating the Client Success Story
Business | Best-selling Co-Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Sharon Lechter On Why YOU CANNOT DELEGATE YOUR FINANCIALS + Why College Is Not a Good Idea for Most Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur | The Power of F.O.C.U.S. w/ Peter Taunton + Learn 3 Steps to Gaining Traction from the Founder of Snap Fitness, 9 Round Boxing, Fitness On Demand & NauticalBowls Franchise Co-Founder + KPIs, No to Grow + Being Present Is a Present
Business Podcasts | The Importance of F.O.CU.S | Why Entrepreneurs Must Focus On Core Tasks Until Success In Route to Achieving Massive Business Success!!! + The POWER OF IDGAF (I Don't Give a Focused Moment to Things That Don't Matter)
Business Podcast | What Is the Millionaire Mindset? The Difference Between the Giraffe & Turtle Mindsets , How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality, + Understanding the Stoic Mindset Entrepreneurs Must Have to Overcome Adversity
Guy Kawasaki | Guy Kawasaki on Why Real Entrepreneurs "Fire Then Aim" + How Clay Clark's Business Workshops Have DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED the Lives of Thousands!!!