E-POLL BOOK ELECTION FRAUD: Maricopa County Admits They Failed To Maintain Legal Voter Check-In Records On Nov 8th + A Recap Of EXPOSING The Most FRAUDULENT & CORRUPT Election In The History Of America!
Nov 8 Election FLASHBACK & Maricopa County’s Version Of What Happened…THEN…What REALLY Did! Election Fraud, Felony Interference, Illegal Votes, Laws Broken, Voter Disenfranchisement, Misconduct & More! Where Are Kari & Abe?
432: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD - This Was From 11/10 When Everyone Thought The "Results" Were Going To Declare Kari Lake The Winner - MICHELE SWINICK & ANNI CYRUS
434: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD - This Was From 11/9 - The Day After The Masacre Of YOUR Sacred Right To VOTE For YOUR Representatives! MICHELE SWINICK & BRANNON HOWSE