ARIZONA REP. LIZ HARRIS: Arizona Will Be The First Domino To Fall WITH YOUR HELP + Grassroots vs GOP Rino Establishment - Decision vs Division & AZ UPDATES
#71 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: STEVE DEACE & ERIC METAXAS - The Spiritual Attacks Since The Release of "Nefarious" Which Almost Killed Steve Twice + Amazing Inspirational Advice & Words Of Wisdom From GOD!
#168 Our Election System Is The Definition Of Insanity & #VoteHarder2024 Is Not The Solution - We MUST Ban The Voting Machines By March 5th Or The Country Is DEAD! | JEFF DORNIK & MICHELE SWINICK
#289 President Trump's Documents Case: Presidential Records Act - PRA 2205(3) Is A Complete Defense & How To WIN! His Attorneys Need To Use This & It's CASE DISMISSED! SHARE - SHARE - SHARE #TrumpCaseDismissedNOW
Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In Arizona To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate The Corruption In Our Cesspool Of A State Presented At The 2/23 Joint Meeting
Arizona GOP Chair JEFF DEWIT is LYING! They Don't Want To Vote TODAY To Ban The Voting Machines! THEY Are Against The People & The Problem - JOIN US & EMAIL/CALL THEM & DEMAND THEY VOTE TODAY!
Child Sex Slave Trafficking's #1 Customer Is The U.S. - AARON SPRADLIN - Mission America Foundation - Rescuing GOD'S Children In America! Want To STOP Children Being RAPED? BAN THE VOTING MACHINES & Take Back Your Unconstitutional Elections!
#162 Election Fraud & Corruption Is In EVERY County & Here's The SOLUTION To Stopping It NOW! It's Time To Take Back Our Unconstitutional Elections - We Only Have Until March 5th! | MICHELE SWINICK & PETE SANTILLI
#164 PETE SANTILLI - There's 179 Days Until Our Republic Is Officially DEAD & We The People Hold All The Power To Stop The Destruction! We Must BAN THE VOTING MACHINES Before The 1st Primary March 5th!
Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In Arizona To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate The Corruption & ELECTION FRAUD In Our Cesspool Of A State! NOVEMBER 8th
#157 AZGOP Chair JEFF DEWIT is LYING! They Don't Want To Vote TODAY To Ban The Voting Machines! THEY Are Against The People & The Problem - JOIN US & EMAIL/CALL THEM & DEMAND THEY VOTE TODAY!
#77 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: REP. LIZ HARRIS - Arizona Will Be The First Domino To Fall WITH YOUR HELP + Grassroots vs GOP Rino Establishment - Decision vs Division & AZ UPDATES
#80 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Why DOESN'T Kari Lake Want To WIN Her Case? She Needs To File A Rule 59a By Mon 6/5 & Appeal On Valenzuela's Testimony...GAME OVER! MICHELE SWINICK & ANN VANDERSTEEL
#85 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: President Trump's Indictment Is DOA & All 31 Espionage Act Counts MUST Be Dismissed! ATTORNEY LEO DONOFRIO - GAME OVER HATERS & DEMONS!