2 years agoCancer WTF Reading Mid Nov ~ Calling in the ancestors for support, someone is not playing nice!JoAaA
2 years agoCapricorn WTF Reading January 23 - get rid of the energy vampire you know who this is!JoAaA
1 year agoGemini Tarot Reading - Final Energy Vampire! Now Enjoy your New lLfe and the New You! WTF Sept 23JoAaA
1 year agoAries Tarot Reading - It was Their Chaos, and They Know It... its OK to be ALONE, work on YOU!JoAaA
1 year agoCapricorn Tarot Reading - There is more for you! Release the old, Embrace the new... Aug 23JoAaA
1 year agoGemini - YULE GIFT - Galloping Away to Find the True YOU... You are that Special Person!JoAaA
2 years agoCapricorn WTF Reading September - from Apprentice to CEO in one step! the time is now!JoAaA
1 year agoAries Winters Gift, You Walked Away, an Irritation turns into Something Quite Amazing!JoAaA
1 year agoCancer Tarot Reading - Dont procrastinate! - have the discussion find your voice! Late May 23JoAaA
1 year agoLibra Tarot Reading - Your Power and energy can not be rivaled AND they know it! Late Aug 23JoAaA
1 year agoLibra Winters Gift...You're the One! You're the Answer - Encourage Yourself to RefocusJoAaA
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