#318 PRESIDENT TRUMP WON ARIZONA IN 2020! There Were 58,550 ILLEGAL Ballots In Maricopa County. ELECTION SET ASIDE...TRUMP WINS BY 34,652! Election Crimes MUST STOP...We DEMAND Our Sacred Right Of Voting BACK!
#189 The Arizona Grassroots & REAL LD3 Win In Court But The AZGOP & Fake America 1st Demons Spread Their Ministry Of Truth - If This Hasn't Happened In Your County Yet, Oh, It's Coming...It's The RNC Playbook! | BOB GOMEZ, KJ KUCHTA
#340 Get Healthy & Make Money! LivePure Overview Of Nutrition Products That Are GUARANTEED To Change Your Life, Heal & Make You Feel GREAT Again! Eliminate MAJOR Health Issues - Diabetes, PAIN, Inflammation, High Blood Pressure & More!
#338 Get Healthy & Make Money! Testimonials From Successful Leaders...They Were Given The TOOLS, Training & Coaching To Make It Happen - QUICKLY! JOIN OUR TEAM & CHANGE YOUR LIFE TODAY...Stop Worrying About Money & MAKE LOTS + Feel GREAT!
#337 STOP Suffering With Health Issues & Feel GREAT Again! NO MORE High Blood Pressure, PAIN, Inflammation, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Acid Reflux, High Cholesterol & More + NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS! CHANGE YOUR LIFE NOW, JOIN THE 30 DAY DETOX
#328 Maricopa County Is MISSING 130,000 Ballots, ERASED Results & ILLEGALLY Recounted 20% Of Vote Centers + Kari Lake WON Arizona! Senate Can CALL Hearing To INVESTIGATE Massive Election Maladministration! ONLY Need 1 US SENATOR…DEMAND IT! | SG ANON
#339 If You Want To Be Successful, JOIN A Team Of Successful Leaders & Coaches + ADD Products That Work...Heal, Make You Healthy & Feel Great = An Opportunity Of A Lifetime...JOIN US & CHANGE YOUR LIFE TODAY! Get Healthy & Make Money!
Dr Roberts w/Korsgaard: What was Not said During The "Debates" was Deadly Important! If the people do not support President Trump, never again will a candidate of either party dare speak for the people.
#330 MARICOPA COUNTY REJECTED 130,000 Early Ballots 11/6 & 11/7 BUT CERTIFIED ONLY 8,559 Were For ENTIRE Election. Where Are MISSING Ballots? Why Are RNC, AZGOP, Kari Lake, Harmeet Dhillon, Jen Wright Silent? Results ILLEGIT…TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE!