CIA Ark of the Covenant Documents Being Pushed by Media Now (Though docs were released 25 years ago) Even as Trump Amasses 7 of out 19 B-2 Stealth Bombers On Diego Garcia Near Iran . . . We Are On The Brink . . . Stay Close to Jesus!
Daniel & Revelation | 27% of the Bible Is Prophetic. 73% of the Bible Is Historic + Understanding The Books of Daniel & Revelation, AI, Transhumanism, the Beast & the Antichrist + Daniel 8:24-25, Revelation 13:13 & Revelation 1:8
Money | Why Is Less Than 1% of America Aware of Ripple? What Is the Future of Money? Why Is Ripple A Part of the World Economic Forum? CBDCS, Stablecoins, Ripple, Cryptocurrency, Programmable Money, Gold & More...