1. Dan Smoot Warned in 1966: 'Democracy Will Lead to Dictatorship, Poverty, and Serfdom'

    Dan Smoot Warned in 1966: 'Democracy Will Lead to Dictatorship, Poverty, and Serfdom'

  2. Dutch Production: Zijn de ultrarijken de nieuwe fascisten? - Are the ultra wealthy the new fascists? | VPRO Tegenlicht | Multi lingual with English Subs

    Dutch Production: Zijn de ultrarijken de nieuwe fascisten? - Are the ultra wealthy the new fascists? | VPRO Tegenlicht | Multi lingual with English Subs

  3. Endgame: The End is the Beginning and a Future in the Past. Prophecies from a Spiral Time-Loop

    Endgame: The End is the Beginning and a Future in the Past. Prophecies from a Spiral Time-Loop
