1. Flutter error - Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code -1

    Flutter error - Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code -1

  2. Kubernetes Pod terminates with Exit Code 143

    Kubernetes Pod terminates with Exit Code 143

  3. Error HE0046 Failed to install the app ... simctl returned exit code 72

    Error HE0046 Failed to install the app ... simctl returned exit code 72

  4. Gradle bootrun error, process command finished with non-zero exit value 1

    Gradle bootrun error, process command finished with non-zero exit value 1

  5. Flutter how to programmatically exit the app

    Flutter how to programmatically exit the app

  6. Git push failed - unpack-objects abnormal exit

    Git push failed - unpack-objects abnormal exit

  7. Error MSB6006 "mt.exe" exited with code 31

    Error MSB6006 "mt.exe" exited with code 31

  8. Exiting a shell script from inside a while loop

    Exiting a shell script from inside a while loop