1. Playing Games Chilling And Having Fun!!! Come Join The Stream!!!

    Playing Games Chilling And Having Fun!!! Come Join The Stream!!!

  2. The Gaza Condom Conspiracy: The Most Insane Theory Yet (A Breakdown)

    The Gaza Condom Conspiracy: The Most Insane Theory Yet (A Breakdown)

  3. Robot Legion vs High Elf Fleet : Grimdark Future 6mm 3000 points battle report

    Robot Legion vs High Elf Fleet : Grimdark Future 6mm 3000 points battle report

  4. Mummified undead, Scorpion King Army : Age of Fantasy 3.4

    Mummified undead, Scorpion King Army : Age of Fantasy 3.4

  5. HDF Armored Company: Grimdark Future 3.4

    HDF Armored Company: Grimdark Future 3.4

  6. 30.000 point Grimdark Future Apocalypse game

    30.000 point Grimdark Future Apocalypse game

  7. Mining Union Beatdown: Age of Fantasy Dwarves

    Mining Union Beatdown: Age of Fantasy Dwarves

  8. 6mm Grimdark Future Alien Hives vs Blessed Sisters 5000 points

    6mm Grimdark Future Alien Hives vs Blessed Sisters 5000 points

  9. Trollin like its 1997: Trolls in Age of Fantasy

    Trollin like its 1997: Trolls in Age of Fantasy

  10. How to paint armies fast! Showing off my speed painting techniques

    How to paint armies fast! Showing off my speed painting techniques

  11. Organic Machines, High Elf Elementals: Grimdark Future 3.4

    Organic Machines, High Elf Elementals: Grimdark Future 3.4

  12. RATS IN SPACE!! Grimdark Warfleets: Human defense force vs Ratmen Clans 300 points

    RATS IN SPACE!! Grimdark Warfleets: Human defense force vs Ratmen Clans 300 points

  13. I gave miniguns to lab rats, Ratmen Firepower! : Age of Fantasy 3.4

    I gave miniguns to lab rats, Ratmen Firepower! : Age of Fantasy 3.4
