22 hours agoMAY30 2024: Who encoded My Word? God chiseled the stone with a command of His mouth. Conquer!FaultlineGrace5607
21 hours agoNo child should be given the option of getting this modified synthetic mRNA shot. Eliminating mandaFree Your Mind Videos
23 hours agoMAY16: King Charles and that accursed, red military painting. A parable & sign of many in the fire.FaultlineGrace5607
18 hours agoJUN27 2024: Sean escaped from the edge of Obama's sword, Russia, and the sea flood of the USA.FaultlineGrace5607
23 hours agoMAY12B: The curse is in New York And the Aurora. The warnings keep coming - flood and destruction!FaultlineGrace5607
1 day agoThe research of Moses is their witness. Satan wailed. Behold, July! He records the sign of the floodFaultlineGrace5607
1 day agoMAY10: The sign & research of Moses, the watchmaker of YHVH is the sword of YHVH. Behold the cross.FaultlineGrace5607
1 day agoEnd of days. His codes, a true witness hidden for the righteous. Validation. YHVH records the end.FaultlineGrace5607
23 hours agoMAY17 2024: My shepherd revealed the truth of the Auroras to the children of Israel—death of the USAFaultlineGrace5607
23 hours agoMAY14: Jan/8. A deliberate disaster. Iran aimed a missile into it. Crashing, it was shattered at 6.FaultlineGrace5607
16 hours agoJUL04: I (God) took faithful witnesses to record. Sean Mitchell confirmed that the truth was spelledFaultlineGrace5607
16 hours agoJUL03: He will search out a saying with a computer to reveal My true codes for the time of the end.FaultlineGrace5607
16 hours agoJUL02 2024: He accompanies My son, Sean Mitchell, Moses & Elijah. Choose men to go fight Amalek.FaultlineGrace5607
18 hours agoJUN23B 2024: The season for the rapture to My mountain on high. He was caught up - The Olive Trees.FaultlineGrace5607
18 hours agoJUN23 2024: And they provoked The LORD unto Anger! The Anger of The LORD was HOT!FaultlineGrace5607
18 hours agoJUN22: The Dragon is Nibiru. God judges with fire, Woe! From there is an effective measure. Cursed!FaultlineGrace5607
18 hours agoJUN25: He restored its title: Monday, the first day of the week. Jesus rose from the dead on MONDAY!FaultlineGrace5607
18 hours agoJUN24 2024: Announce that the rapture will cause: The War. The Author's Fire. The Time of Eli & MoFaultlineGrace5607
19 hours agoJUN07 2024: I have chosen that you may know wisdom. The codes are for us. YHVH encoded Truth.FaultlineGrace5607
19 hours agoJUN05 2024: Corrected Calendar! Sunday is actually The Sabbath & Monday is The 1st day of the week.FaultlineGrace5607
19 hours agoJUN12 2024: The evidence is from His Bible codes. Behold, He provided a forerunner! Sean Mitchell.FaultlineGrace5607
19 hours agoJUN11: Where is Your truth for me? All His doctrine - The Plain & The Coded Text. Jesus Paid it all!FaultlineGrace5607
19 hours agoJUN09 2024: The God of Heaven and Earth. Nephilim Giants. From wicked women to God Fearing.FaultlineGrace5607