5 months ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer 2: DAWN BREAK (China 2024) Shipwrecked On An Island Full Of Parasites 噬魂岛SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
9 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer 2: RED WEDDING DRESS (China 2025) Are You Scared Yet?SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
25 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: NIGHTTIME HAUNTED HOUSE (China 2025) Bug Eyes Is Back! 夜半凶宅SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
16 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: JABANG MAYIT (Indonesia 2025) They Paid The Devil For An Abortion!SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
16 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: QODRAT 2 (Indonesia 2025) Sequel To The Hit Indonesian Horror FlickSHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
16 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: PAMALI: TUMBAL (Indonesia 2025) Based on the DLC For The Hit Game Series!SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
24 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: MIDNIGHT GAME (China 2025) Legendary Abby Yin Is Back Again! 午夜游戏SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
27 days agoCan You Make Your Way Out Of This Creepy Station! Previewing EXIT 8 8番出口SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
24 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: HORN HUNTING VILLAGE (Japan 2025) Time To Rid Japan of Demons! 鬼ベラシSHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
19 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: DEAD TALENTS SOCIETY (Taiwan 2025) A Hilarious Comedy Horror Hit 鬼才之道SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
5 months agoSci-Fi Trailer: 749 ROUNDS (China 2024) An Alien Monster Game! 749局SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
1 month agoRAT KING (REVIEW) The Evil Rats Take Over This Factory!! (2025)SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
27 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: MIDNIGHT GHOST (China 2025) Based On A Real Location 午夜怨灵SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
27 days agoYIN YANG MANSION (REVIEW) They Need To Srurvive 7 Days, Can They Do It? (2024)SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
11 months agoHorror Trailer: A VANISHED PUPPET (China 2024) The Puppetmaster meets IT!! 消失的木偶SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
11 months agoHorror Trailer: SEARCH FOR VENGEANCE (China 2024) A Haunted Manor Hides a Horrible Secret!SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
27 days agoTHE SHALLOWS (REVIEW) Another Awesome Chinese Shark Movie Remake! (2025)SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
24 days ago[ENG SUB] Horror Trailer: DOLLHOUSE (Japan 2025) Masami Nagasawa Does Horror! ドールハウスSHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
10 months agoMonster Movie Trailer: PREHISTORIC MONSTER (Ch 2024) EngSub for this Jurassic Park Knock-offl! 史前怪兽SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
11 months agoHorror Trailer 2: MIDNIGHT RADIO (China 2024) China Clearly Needs New Radio Broadcasting Laws!! 午夜怪谈SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
4 months agoHe Learns Martial Arts While In A Coma! Previewing INEXTERNAL (Hong Kong) 裡應外合SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
5 months agoSci-Fi Trailer: SOUL YOYAGER (China 2025) In Deep Space... It's DEATHLY Silent! 深空移魂SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
4 months agoNever Sleep Again After Watching This! Previewing DON'T SLEEP (Thailand) มึงนอนมึงตายSHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans