Joe Rogan & Elon Musk | "One Argument for Me Staying Alive Is That It's More Entertaining If I'm Alive Than If I'm Dead. But, I Could Be Alive & Injured Which Would Suck. They Could Just Shoot My Arm Off...Happy w/ One Hand.&qu
ReAwaken America Tour Michigan Day One (June 7) Schedule Released!!! Join Eric Trump, Dr. Stella, Flynn, Kash, Habba, Breuer & Team America At June 7-8 Detroit ReAwaken Tour (Text 918-851-0102 for Tickets - 61 Tix Remain)
John Rich & Jordan Peterson | Highlights Including: The Book of Revelation, The Bible Is Not a Metaphor, Repentance, Salvation, "You (Jordan Peterson) Could Be One of the Most Powerful Weapons In the Hand of God." - 8/9/2024
Peter Thiel | "Peter Thiel Was One of the Main People That Financed J.D. Vance's Venture Capital Firm & Bankrolled His Senate Run. J.D. Vance Is Essentially a Peter Thiel Made Man." - Whitney Webb | Who Is Peter Thiel?
Bird Flu | Why Is An International Avian Influenza & One Health Emerging Issues Summit Being Hosted Sept 30th - Oct 3rd 2024? What Is More Shameless? Another Plandemic Or Funeral Crashing? Is Bird Flu Disease X?
Gold | Gold Financial Reset Looming? + "We Are About the Abandon the Traditional System of Money & Introduce a New One." - Pippa Malmgren + "Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | “If Trump Becomes President Again In 2024, It Will Be the Final Death Blow to the Global Order." - Harari + "You Want to Go Back to the Old World & That Is One of the Reasons for Trump." - Klaus Schwab
MPox Emergency | "The World Health Organization Has Declared MPox A Public Health Emergency of International Concern." - Sky News + "Hey, I've Seen This One! This Is a Classic." - Marty McFly + Mpox Vaccines?
Humanoid Robots | "I Think the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans Will Be At Least Two to One. Somewhere Around the Order of 10 Billion Humanoid Robots." - Elon Musk (6/14/24) "Perhaps Still a Role for Humans?" (5/23/24)
Elon Musk | "You Must Understand There Is Not a Whole Lot of Human Beings Like You? If There Was One An Intelligence Being That We Created. Like Some AI Creature." - Joe Rogan + "I Am An Alien. It's True." - Elon Musk 9/7/2018
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Met My Husband Online In 2002 In One of the First Social Media Sites for the Gay Community. I Grew Up In Israel In the 1980s, 1990s." + "Nothing Can't Exist Agains the Laws of Nature." - Yuval Noah Harari