PRESIDENT TRUMP IS RIGHT TO BLAME BIDEN. The Facts PROVE That The Biden Admin's Implementation Of Radical D.E.I. Inside The F.A.A. Has Caused The Massive Increase In Aviation Disasters In The Last 2 Years!
What was Left-Leaning Decades Ago is Today Shoved to the Right Simply Because One is Authentic, Not Hallow, and Non-Establishment—Expanding an Umbrella of a New Center/Right. So Be it! | WE in 5D: His Thoughts on Cops/Military #SpotOn 👌🏽
Alex Jones Was Right Again: Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau's Resignation is the First Domino to Fall in a Series of MASSIVE Illuminati Failures WORLDWIDE!!
There IS This Oooone Time Obama Was Right!! If He Was Right Why Does Panic Continue Amongst the Illuminati and Their NPC's Over Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Interview?
MAGA Civil War?? The Right Catches Up with The Left, Battling itself Over H-1B Visas, PROVING: Picking a Side to Vote with isn't Quite That Simple! | Luke Rudkowski & Company (
SIGHTINGS Investigates Law of Attraction and The Science of Luck | Nostradamus: “Those Who Are Reasonable Can Learn From My Prophecies How to Find THE RIGHT PATH!"
“DISEASE X OUTBREAK” + MORE: Right on Time to Disrupt The New Trump Admin and Plunge Earth Deeper into Crisis. We Faces A Triple [+ Bonus] Threat From The Illuminati: 1. WW3, 2. New Plandemic, 3. Staged Race War, and [Bonus] Project Blue Beam! (12/10/