THE LAW OF 3: Law of Attraction NEVER WORKS the Specific Way We Expect or Hope for, and This is the Missing Component! | Matías De Stefano on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast
The One Earth-Based Law That Can't Be Broken! The Law Of The Jungle. — John Bowne | WE in 5D: Given Fewer and Fewer Options it’s Feasible to REMEMBER—The Simulacrum Does NOT Assist You in Materialization WITHOUT Your Physical Productivity!!
Who is RA/Marduk? Why is This NEVER Asked in Reference to RA's Law of One? As with The Bible, Use What Serves The Greater Good and Remain Conscious of Aspects of ANY Scriptures/Literature Designed to Have Individuals Forfeit Spiritual Sovereignty!
"If You Want it You've Already Got it. If You Thought it, it Better Be What You Want! If You Feel it, IT MUST BE REAL..." (Law of Attraction) —Madonna. "You Will Stay with What You Have Created" (3D ⬌ 5D) —Dolores Cannon.
"I Fear God"—Theres No Such Thing as Self-Preservation and Love in the Same Instance. Law of Attraction and The Ancient Mystery Schools. | Billy Carson
The "Jesus is King" Brigade, The Perverted Law of Attraction Brigade [Who Avoid Reality (if You Avoid it Then There's No Reality to Create WITH Nor FROM)], The Chosen People Brigade.. AND THE REST: When Your Belief System TRUMPS THE TRUTH!
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: New York, Get Ready to Be Searched, Show Your VaxXx ID Card (New Virus Likely Coming), and Anything Else the National Guard Asks for as Democrats Prep for National Martial Law Starting with NY.
Turned Off DNA Stops Us From Naturally Producing Vitamin C in Our Bodies—WHILE OTHER MAMMALS CAN! + Law of Attraction, God-Source, True Deep Healing, and More! | Gregg Braden: The Isaiah Effect (Full Seminar)
The Illuminati Tell Us of What They're Doing (Just as They're Supposed to as Per Universal Law So That We Can Consent by Doing Nothing as We Usually Do), They Carry Out Their Agenda, and They Succeed! Ready for a Change Yet?