3 months agoWhat Do The Cloning Centers, The Nephilim, The 3rd Temple & The Mark Of The Beast Have In Common?Free Your Mind Videos
3 months agoI cannot respect those that kill because they were told too by their masters.TruthandSpirit
3 months agoThe manifesto of MAN Pt 7, IF "LIFE" ain't worth fighting for then WHAT is the point of living?TruthandSpirit
2 months agoThe flag of the union is NOT the union jack, follow me for more insightful TRUTHS.TruthandSpirit
10 months agoDr. Boz - Annette Bosworth, MD Looks Over An Important Peer Reviewed ReportTheGreatDeception
4 months agoHuman beings&spirit=NO hope, Mankind&Soul conscious awareness=WE can do this!TruthandSpirit
4 months agoMan is Black, Soul is Light, Homo sapien sapien is man corrupted & spirit is soul corruptedTruthandSpirit
4 months agoRespect to Judas he only denied the "TRUTH" 3 times, how many times do we deny it?TruthandSpirit
3 months agoThe fall of "MAN", error code 404 hu/e man beings, spirit error code 404, the fall of the soul.TruthandSpirit