9 months ago"There There Sheldon's Here" - Sheldon Cooper - The Big Bang TheoryEdge of the Big Bang Theory
9 months agoA PowerPoint Presentation By Sheldon Cooper PhD - The Big Bang TheoryEdge of the Big Bang Theory
9 months ago"Oh Gravity, Thou Art a Heartless Bitch" - Sheldon Cooper - The Big Bang TheoryEdge of the Big Bang Theory
9 months agoUm, Penny That's Where I Sit - Sheldon Cooper - The Big Bang TheoryEdge of the Big Bang Theory
4 days ago322 | James Sanger | Lucy Scale Sounds and Skullduggery | C.E. Artist - Sheldon StehmanExpandingReality
10 months agoMeet John Doe - AI COLORIZED (Excellent Quality) - HD - Starring Gary Cooper and Barbara StanwyckAFLIX
10 months agoMeet John Doe - AI UPSCALED (Excellent Quality) - HD - Starring Gary Cooper and Barbara StanwyckAFLIX
4 months agoJUAN NADIE (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck y Edward Arnold | Comedia, Drama | ColoreadoPELICULAS PERDIDAS y ENCONTRADAS
4 months agoJUAN NADIE (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck y Edward Arnold | Comedia, Drama | P&BPELICULAS PERDIDAS y ENCONTRADAS
4 months agoADORÁVEL VAGABUNDO (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck & Edward Arnold | Comédia, Drama | ColoridoFILMES PERDIDOS e ACHADOS
4 months agoADORÁVEL VAGABUNDO (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck & Edward Arnold | Comédia, Drama | P&BFILMES PERDIDOS e ACHADOS