Newsmax | Clay Clark Calls Out Bill Gates On Newsmax LIVE | “We shouldn’t be listening to people who spend time w/ pedophiles as it relates to our kids,” - Clay Clark (Newsmax 2020) + Great Reset Explained In 5 Min & 56 Seconds
Before You TIP TOE Into CRYPTO to WATCH THIS!!! Why Does Satoshi Nakamoto Mean "Central intelligence?" What Is the COMPLETE HISTORY of Cryptocurrency, Satoshi Nakamoto, XRP, Dogecoin, Bitcoin, CBDCs, Etc?
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Sukkot Day 8: Prophetic Layers, My 2 True Prophecies, Jesus Exalts My Horn In Righteousness, Prophetic Unlocking of Zechariah Chapters 5 and 6 As It Relates to Covid-19, Donald Trump's Re-election, Daniel 9:27 and Coming Nuclear War Into 7 Year Trib