1 month agoMark Spence | This is an in interesting scripture found in the Gospel of John. #gospelofJohnFollowerOfChristJesus316
1 month agoMark Spence | This is an in interesting scripture found in the Gospel of John. #gospelofJohnManOnAMission316
1 month agoMark Spence | This is an in interesting scripture found in the Gospel of John. #gospelofJohnIMTHEWRETCH
2 months agoJohn 17 Revealed: Jesus’ Prayer for Unity & Glory | In-Depth Bible StudyDouglasVandergraph
2 months agoJohn Chapter 6 Explained: Jesus Feeds 5,000 and the Bread of Life | New Testament StudyDouglasVandergraph
4 months agoStop letting the world control your emotions, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.BlessedBeyondBelief8
5 months agoThis is how God multiplied Blessings in my life so He could feed His children through me.BlessedBeyondBelief8
8 months agoJOHN 15 ANIMATED: Who's both Divine & The Vine? What happens to branches that bear no fruit?BibleQuiz
10 months agoAaron Shust's Voice Beloved John "My Savior My God" Music MOVIE Story "As John's Eyes Witness JESUS"Tabernacle of David SON