5 months agoDr Mark Geier: The Fake Flu Influenza Poison Vaccines are Illegal (to Children)!KimOsboel
8 hours agoSeptic arthritis from military trauma and surgeryVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
1 day agoOsteochondral lesions of the talus among military service membersVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
8 days agoLumbar spine degenerative disease from military parachutingVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
5 days agoCarpal tunnel syndrome as a consequence of military dutiesVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
6 days agoCMC or basal joint osteoarthritis as a cause of wrist or hand painVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
3 days agoWhat could be causing clicking after rotator cuff surgery?Better Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
18 days agoPatellar tendinitis or tendinopathy as a cause of knee painVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
4 days agoCompartment syndrome: Causes, treatment and long-term consequencesVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
21 days agoSpondylolysis as a cause of low back pain in the militaryVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
25 days agoHerniated disc of the cervical spine in military service membersVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
22 days agoKipping pull-ups increase the risk for shoulder injuryVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
10 days agoWhen is the right time after an injury to start peptides?Better Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
12 days agoMedical conditions and poor health outcomes among military VeteransVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
15 days agoMilitary as a cause of post-traumatic knee arthritisVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
1 month agoMilitary trauma as a cause of rotator cuff tearsVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
19 days agoFemoroacetabular impingement and hip labral tears in the militaryVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
1 month agoHallux rigidus as a result of foot or ankle traumaVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
1 month agoAvascular necrosis as a cause of hip pain among VeteransVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier
1 month agoThe risk of labral tears of the shoulder from military serviceVeteran Nexus Letters with Dr. David Geier